
Contou, Bandung: Delicious Coffee in a Fantastic Old Building

Built inside what looks to be the old garage of a Dutch colonial house, Contou oozes a certain gritty charm that only old buildings can produce.

The walls aren’t freshly painted and rely on a look created over years of painting, scraping and repainting. It’s a great look.Area Outdoor Contou Coffee BandungThe coffee here is fantastic. Silky smooth milk, double ristretto as standard and a perfect ratio of milk making for a great tasting coffee. Susan really enjoyed her mocha as well.Mocha At ContouIt’s worth noting that this is one of the cheaper cappuccinos in Bandung using a proper espresso machine. And for the price, I think it’s fantastic value.Old Building Contou CoffeeSadly, this is one of the few coffee shops in Bandung not offering wifi, so it’s not a place you’ll want to work in.Contou Coffee BandungBut with a charming fitout and some of the best coffee in Bandung, we think it’s a coffee shop you should come to anyway. It’s fantastic.Calico Cat Contou CoffeePS Don’t forget to pat the cute calico!

Jalan Sunda 61, Bandung
Instagram: @contoucoffee
Opening Hours: 08:00 – 22:00
WiFi: not available
Cappuccino: Rp22.000
Mocha: Rp23.000
* No tax!


Tauen Coffee & Works, Bandung: Great Cafe for Work

I love this little coffee shop. A narrow shop on one of Bandung’s most popular shopping streets with opening hours that suit those early risers.

The fitout of the shop is quite modern, but what’s really interesting is that they make fantastic use of the space. About 40 people could easily fit in here and it’s a small space. I also really like the decorations which combine with great use of space to give this place a warm feel, even when there are no other customers.Ngopi Di Taeun CoffeeThe coffee here is very good and my magic was strong, smooth and with well-textured milk. It was also perfectly hot, something of a rarity in Bandung. Susan’s iced coffee was great as well. What’s more, prices here are quite good with milky coffees just over Rp20.000 and no added tax.Kopi Di Taeun CoffeeThey also do food here. Small bites and larger meals are all on the menu. I haven’t tried them yet, but they look quite standard for a Bandung cafe.Taeun Coffee BandungThe tables here all have international electricity sockets and they are comfortable to work at. But what was really surprising was the speed of the internet. 82mbps down and 18mbps up which is one of the fast download speeds I’ve seen anywhere.Taeun Tempat Ngopi BandungI really love this place and can’t wait to come back and work here.

Taeun Coffee & Works
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata 50, Bandung
(0896) 6999 9990
Instagram: @taeuncoffee
Opening Hours: 07:00 – 22:00
WiFi: 82down/18up
Magic: Rp24.000
Iced Milk Coffee: Rp18.000
* No tax!


Havana Coffee, Bandung: Tasty Iced Coffee & Chocolate

We rarely travel as far east as Havana Coffee, but when you’re hunting coffee, you need to travel. So that’s what we did when we came where.

Straight away, I need to point out that this coffee shop is not for everyone. Mainly due to its location, but also because it really only serves coffee and a very limited range at that.Havana CoffeeWhat they do serve they do very well. I had an iced coffee and Susan had an iced chocolate. Both were excellent. I particularly liked how my iced coffee wasn’t too sweet. Sometimes coffee shops like to go over the top with the sugar, but here they don’t.

It’s worth mentioning that the plastic containers they use here look fantastic in photos. But environmentally, we have serious concerns that single use plastic in Indonesia is a catastrophe. Not that this isn’t an issue in every single coffee in Bandung serving iced coffee. It is. Hopefully they can come up with a solution for reusing these fancy plastic containers in the future.Iced Coffee At Havana CoffeeThere is no WiFi at Havana Coffee, so don’t come here to work. That said, the interior is really funky and photogenic and you should definitely come here for your instagram shots.

They are trying to ramp up their gofood deliveries here, so if you can’t be bothered coming here, but still want a great tasting iced coffee in a funky container, get one online from gofood.Havana Coffee Shop BandungIf you come here looking for the exact location of the coffee shop, enter the car park of Bangunan Mart and look up the side of the building — the coffee shop is tucked along the side.

Something a little different on the Bandung coffee scene and worth a visit.

Havana Coffee
Jalan Margacinta 118, Bandung
Instagram: @coffee.havana
Opening Hours: 08:00 – 17:00 (closed Sunday)
Iced Coffee: Rp22.000
Iced Chocolate: Rp20.000
* no tax!


Kinokimi Coffee, Bandung: Great Coffee, Fantastic Cups and Good Food

The location of Kinokimi southeast of Bandung city centre is a bit odd and away from where most good cafes are located. With that in mind, I was a bit skeptical before coming here imagining a place that just “doesn’t get it”. I couldn’t have been more wrong. This place is fantastic.

After walking upstairs past the salon, you enter a tastefully modern room with a high pitched ceiling, lots of wood and lots of bare concrete walls. It’s a concept tried elsewhere but so often not done properly. Here if feels really good.Kinokimi Coffee Bandung InsideI want to talk about the coffee. It’s fantastic. They serve their cappuccinos in a tiny cup, but as we know with coffee, it’s not quantity that matters, it’s quality. And what makes a good milky coffee so often depends on the coffee to milk ratio. At Kinokimi they get it spot on. And the good stuff continues with silky milk and…… AWESOME CUPS.Kinokimi Coffee Bandung Great CupThey use cups Kaloka which are worth about Rp250.000 each. They feel good to drink out of and I’m happy to pay extra for a coffee in a good cup.Kinokimi Coffee Bandung Smoothie BowlSusan had a Gingerbread latte which was creative. It wasn’t just another menu item to keep the non-serious coffee drinkers happy – it was a good menu item on its own.Kinokimi Coffee Bandung Main MealI ate a smoothie bowl which I enjoyed a lot and Susan had the beef stroganoff with quality pieces of meat – tender! We’re actually curious to know what the other menu items are like because we think the food here is a winner!Kinokimi Coffee Bandung Inside CafeWhen I arrived, the WiFi wasn’t working and I found that to be really disappointing. If you need to work, you need WiFi. But as I was leaving, I asked about the WiFi again and they said it was kind of working and dropping out. So I tested it and it was super fast at 43mbps down and 59mbps up. If they can make sure that this wifi is stable, it will be a great place to get work done, upload youtube videos and other data-intensive work.Kinokimi Coffee BandungWiFi issue aside, this is one of our favourite new cafes in Bandung. Fantastic fitout, top notch coffee rivalling anything else in Bandung and good food. Come here!

Kinokimi Coffee
Jalan Buah Batu 28, Bandung
(0811) 220 0789
Instagram: @kinokimicoffee
Opening Hours: 08:00 – 22:00
WiFi: 43down/59up
Cappuccino: Rp26.000
Gingerbread Latte: Rp28.000
Smoothie Bowl: Rp49.000
Beef Stroganoff: Rp59.000
*Add 10% tax to all prices


2 Grams Coffee & Meals, Bandung: Cozy Coffee Shop with Great Design

Right next door to the large and modern Kahve is the small but stylish 2 Grams Coffee & Meals. We love this place mainly because it’s small and cozy with decent WiFi and serves up pretty good coffee without an espresso machine!

The first thing you notice about this place is how small it is. It’s smaller than the carparks of many Bandung coffee shops with space for less than 20 people in side and perhaps fewer than 10 outside. I really like the fitout with a wall full of logs, pictures on the walls and plenty of lights so you’re not constantly squinting to see stuff.2 Grams Coffee Shop BandungCoffee here is made without an espresso machine. For their espresso based drinks they used a manual method of extracting shots and a small milk steamer which is heated on a stove. The coffees I’ve had in the past made using this method are usually unable to reach the standards that a machine can produce. And 2 Grams is no different. The cappuccino here is quite good, but you can tell that it’s not made on a big expensive machine. Because of that, the coffee is cheaper than at the most popular Bandung coffee shops.Manual Coffee 2 Grams BandungThe menu of food seems pretty good with a selection of katsu and noodle dishes as well as snacks such as crispy mushrooms and banana nuggets.

As far as working goes, it’s a decent place to do a couple of hours of work but you’re bum is going to hurt after a while as you’ve really only got a choice between short stools and benches for your seats. There are a few electricity outlets should you need them and the wifi is relatively speedy at 10mbps down and 10mbps up.Interior 2 Grams Coffee BandungThis is the type of place in Bandung that is usually quite successful because it’s not trying to appeal to the elites. It’s trying to appeal to the common man by allowing smoking inside, serving up manual coffee and not trying to be too pretentious. The prices are also good. A fantastic middle of the road nongkrong spot for those trying to avoid Bandung elites.

2 Grams Coffee & Meals
Jalan Ambon 16, Bandung
(0821) 1577 7712
Instagram: @2grams_cafe
Opening Hours: Weekday: 12:00 – Midnight; Fri, Sat, Sun: 13:00 – 01:00
WiFi: 10down/10up
Cappuccino: Rp20.000
Iced Milk Coffee: Rp18.000


Kahve, Bandung: Good Coffee, Weird Fitout

On the bottom of the receipt at Kahve are the words “good coffee, good people, good service, good place”. And all of this true at Kahve.

I ordered a magic and Susan a charcoal oreo. Both of our drinks were well balanced in flavour neither being too strong or too weak. The milk on the magic was beautifully textured, silky smooth and the perfect temperature. An above average coffee in Bandung.Drinks Kahve BandungThere are a few snacks on the menu such as cheese puffs, but I didn’t try these.

The fitout is a little strange. When you enter, it feels a little sterile, dark and empty. It’s not that cozy. I’m not sure what they could do to improve the fitout, but at the moment it doesn’t feel right.Kahve Coffee Shop BandungThe wifi was broken when I was there so I can confirm whether it’s a good place to work or not. But the tables are good enough to set up a laptop on and there plenty of electricity sockets should you need them. If you’ve tested the wifi here, let me know in the comments!Interior Kahve BandungOne last point. It was extremely quiet when I was there and without more customers, I’m not sure how they are going to survive. It’s the same in so many Bandung coffee shops and we just hope they can make some minor adjustments to attract more customers. Semangat!Kahve Coffee New Shop Bandung 2019Overall, this is a place you come to for good coffee, friendly staff and perhaps to work if the wifi is operational. With some minor interior adjustments, this will be a mainstay on the Bandung scene.

Jalan Ambon 14, Bandung
Instagram: @kahve_id
Opening Hours: 12:00 – midnight
WiFi: not operational
Magic: Rp24.000
Charcoal Cappuccino: Rp23.000
* Add 10% tax to all prices


Beans & Greens, Bandung: Fantastic Healthy Food

We always complain about the standard of cafe food in Bandung, so when we find a cafe doing something a little bit different to a high standard, it’s really surprising!

Beans and Greens is a cafe specialising in salads, bowls and veggie dishes. They’re not exclusively vegetarian, but a good portion of their menu is veggie-based so it’s a fantastic place to visit when you’re in need of a veggie fix after too many nasi gorengs.Back Garden Greens And BeansThe fitout is bright and airy and out the back there is a garden area where most people choose to sit.

The coffee here is quite good and definitely worth ordering if you’re coming here for a salad. But I wouldn’t go out of my way to come here for the coffee on its own.Coffee At Greens And BeansLet’s talk about the food. We ordered salmon penne and shirataki bakmi Jawa and both were fantastic.

The bakmi Jawa replaces traditional noodles with low carb low calorie shirataki noodles which can sometimes taste a little weird, but in this dish were really good.Food At Greens And BeansThe salmon penne was honestly just as you’d expect. A hunk of salmon on top of a bed of pesto covered penne, a few mushrooms and cherry tomatoes and a tiny amount of cheese. I thought it was excellent.

In fact, I think this cafe is one of the better new cafes on the Bandung scene despite the coffee not quite being up to standard. Hopefully next time I come here (definitely coming back), the coffee will be better.Cafe Greens And Beans BandungIt’s possible to open a laptop here and work as many tables have electricity outlets and the wifi is quite fast at 27mbps down and 4mbps up.

A really good new cafe on the Bandung scene.

Greens and Beans
Jalan Bahureksa 9, Bandung
(022) 2426 0826
Opening Hours: 08:00 – 22:00
WiFi: 27down/4up
Cappuccino: Rp26.000
5 Spice Lemonade: Rp25.000
Salmon Penne: Rp85.000
Shirataki Bakmi Jawa: Rp45.000
* Add 10% tax to all prices


Ceritera, Bandung: Cafe with lots of Potential

Sometimes when you visit a place you are immediately impressed by the design, fitout and aspect of the property and Ceritera is one of those. So much so that I thought this would be one of my favourite cafes in Bandung. But it’s not. Far from it.

When you arrive at this cafe, you’re immediately drawn to the view — a view I first came to know when I moved to Ciumbuleuit many moons ago. And this cafe makes the most of this view with a special tiered outdoor area and a fantastic interior with balcony overlooking the valley. It’s brilliant and has one of the best feels of any cafe in Bandung.Area Luar Ceritera Bandung CiumbuleuitBut there are problems. When I was there, staff were having problems with the steam coming out of the machine, but they served me up a coffee anyway and the milk was awful. Thin, watery and unpleasant. The flavour of the coffee was nice, but it was ruined by the milk. Sorry, not good enough.Ceritera Coffee Shop BandungSusan’s iced coffee was excellent and the pisang aroma we had was quite good too. But that cappuccino… no no no.

I tried to get the wifi working here, but no matter what I did, it wouldn’t connect. Susan managed to connect and got 17mbps down and 7mbps up. Definitely fast enough for work, but only if you can connect.Coffee At CeriteraThe inside area has plenty of tables and chairs with electricity sockets, so you could easily spend a few hours here working.Interior Ceritera Kopi BandungThis is a cafe with plenty of potential. Great fitout in a great location. I believe they know how to serve good coffee and that I was served a bad one because they had some sort of technical problem. Next time I visit, I hope to get a good one.

Jalan Gunung Kencana II no.2, Bandung
(0896) 4739 0281
Instagram: @_ceritera
Opening Hours: 09:00 – 23:00
WiFi: 17down/7up
Cappuccino: Rp25.000
Es Kopi Titik: Rp20.000
Pisang Aroma: Rp20.000
* No added tax


La Lune Coffee & Luncheonette, Bandung: Fast WiFi, Good Food!

When you roll up to this place you’re immediately reminded of Mimiti both at its original location and more recently at its new location in Dago. Such is the design of this place with concrete and faux concrete walls, the comparisons are unavoidable.

I came here during the soft opening and there were still a few rough edges and it did seem a little plain, even though they’re going for the stark, austere look. It’s nothing a few plants can’t fix and perhaps the odd piece of art.La Lune Cafe BandungA couple of the sitting areas here are boiling hot due to the plastic canopy above them. These areas aren’t really habitable at this time due to the intense heat and reminded me a bit of a greenhouse. The friendly manager told me they were working on a solution for the heat and I’m sure they’ll have that under control by the time that you arrive.

I had a cappuccino and it was served in a custom made cup of a size slightly smaller than I’d expect for a cappuccino. My coffee was excellent. Beautifully smooth, perfectly strong and the cup a pleasure to drink from. It’s right up there as one of the best in Bandung.Coffee Cup La LuneSusan’s green drink was pleasant and both of our meals were enjoyable. A special mention to the fried chicken on my nasi goreng — it was excellent.Food At La LuneWiFi here is fast. I clocked 25mbps down and 49mbps up, so this place is definitely a potential work spot for you. Particular if you choose one of the indoor air conditioned areas where the air is cool, electricity plentiful and tables large. If not, the outside areas also have plenty of electricity sockets.Rooftop La Lune BandungThis place has loads of potential and I can see this place becoming a hit after they iron out a few of the issues that exist at this point in time.

La Lune Coffee & Luncheonette
Jalan Hegarmanah 12, Bandung
Opening Hours: 07:30 – 23:00
WiFi: 25down/49up
Cappuccino: Rp29.000
Nasi Goreng Kampung: Rp43.000
Mushroom Poke Bowl: Rp45.000
Green Healthy Juice: Rp30.000
* Add 15.5% to all prices


Satu Pintu, Bandung: Love This Coffee Shop!

Another day, another Bandung coffee shop. Sometimes it feels like the new coffee shops in Bandung are neverending and honestly, it takes a lot to impress me these days.

So when I arrived at Satu Pintu, I was expecting the same old Bandung coffee shop. But I was immediately in love with the property Satu Pintu is located on. A large old block with lots of old trees much like Bandung would have been in the old days. I love trees.Front Satu PintuThe coffee shop itself is to the side of the main house and has two main sections. One large section outdoors for those who smoke and one large one indoors for those who don’t and who prefer air conditioning.

The inside section feels good. Someone with an eye for design has really paid attention to so many aspects of the interior that it feels incredibly well organised, clean and finished with good quality. It’s better than the average Bandung standard and as a result, it feels good to be here.Inside Satu PintuI tried the cappuccino here which apparently is stronger than their magic. That’s new for me, but I can attest to the fact that the cappuccino is super strong. I loved it.

Susan had the iced matcha latte and it has a particular flavour to it that made it more enjoyable than the average matcha latte.Coffee At Satu PintuWiFi here is fast at 39mbps down and 7mbps up and there are plenty of places to sit and work as well as plug in. A good place to work.Satu Pintu Cafe BandungAfter visiting more than 80 coffee shops in Bandung over the past few years, this is now one of our favourites. Love it.

Satu Pintu
Jalan Aceh 56, Bandung
Instagram: @satu.pintu
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 23:00, Fri & Sat until midnight
WiFi: 39down/7up
Cappuccino: Rp27.000
Iced Matcha Latte: Rp25.000
* No added tax!