
A Photo Everyday for 6 Months

So I started taking a photo of my mug every day from the end of March when I was on a roadtrip around Oz. At that time, as can be seen in the vid, I didn’t shave, have a haircut… or really look after myself at all. You can see the transformation over the 6 months from one state of disrepair to another. It’s fascinating!

2 replies on “A Photo Everyday for 6 Months”

I like it lol. So what’s next? Maybe your feet in thongs over six months? See how the punishment of Indonesian soil is affecting them? Something leftfield would be good I reckon.

Hey thanks for the reminder. I’ve been doing it for more than a year now. Time for a new post.

I do have a cool project under way at the moment based around this sort of theme but well have to wait until Feb next year for it be ready. 🙂

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